What are the different types of traditional healers in South Africa

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Different types of traditional healers in South Africa

South Africa, a land of vibrant cultures and diverse traditions, boasts a rich history of traditional healing practices. Traditional healers play a pivotal role in the healthcare landscape of the country, offering holistic and culturally rooted approaches to address various ailments. This article aims to explore and shed light on the different types of traditional healers in South Africa, each with its unique methods and practices.

1. Sangomas: Guardians of Spiritual Wisdom

Sangomas, also known as diviners or traditional healers, are highly revered in South African society. These healers primarily focus on the spiritual realm and possess the ability to communicate with ancestors and spirits. Through dreams, visions, and trance-like states, sangomas access ancient knowledge and provide guidance, healing, and protection. Their practices often involve rituals, herbal remedies, and the use of divination tools such as bones, shells, or cards.

2. Inyangas: Masters of Herbal Medicine

Inyangas are traditional healers who specialize in herbal medicine. They possess extensive knowledge of medicinal plants and their healing properties. Inyangas utilize a vast array of herbs, roots, barks, and leaves to prepare remedies for physical ailments. Their expertise also extends to the treatment of psychological and emotional imbalances. Inyangas often combine their herbal knowledge with divination techniques to diagnose and address illnesses.

3. Nyangas: Traditional Surgeons

Nyangas, or traditional surgeons, hold a unique place in South African traditional healing. They are skilled practitioners who perform various surgical procedures using traditional methods. Nyangas have inherited their knowledge through apprenticeship and possess a deep understanding of the human body and its interconnectedness with the spiritual realm. Their procedures encompass bone setting, wound healing, circumcision, and even complex operations, all conducted with meticulous precision and herbal remedies to promote recovery.

4. Herbalists: Experts in Medicinal Plant Knowledge

Herbalists specialize in the use of plants for healing purposes and often have a deep understanding of indigenous flora. They are knowledgeable about the identification, preparation, and application of various plants for medicinal use. Herbalists may recommend herbal remedies in the form of teas, infusions, or ointments to alleviate symptoms and promote wellness. They often work closely with communities, collecting and preserving traditional knowledge of medicinal plants.

5. Traditional Birth Attendants: Guardians of Maternal Health

Traditional birth attendants, also known as midwives, play a vital role in supporting women during childbirth. They possess invaluable knowledge passed down through generations, ensuring safe and culturally sensitive birthing experiences. These healers provide emotional, physical, and spiritual support to expectant mothers, utilizing traditional techniques and rituals. Traditional birth attendants also possess a deep understanding of herbal medicine and use it to support postpartum recovery. Click here


Traditional healers in South Africa represent a diverse tapestry of knowledge, wisdom, and cultural heritage. Sangomas, inyangas, nyangas, herbalists, and traditional birth attendants each contribute unique skills and perspectives to the holistic healing landscape. Their practices, deeply rooted in spirituality, ancestral connections, and herbal medicine, continue to offer alternatives and complements to Western medicine. By acknowledging and respecting the traditional healing practices of South Africa, we enrich our understanding of healthcare, promote cultural preservation, and create spaces for diverse healing approaches to coexist harmoniously.

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